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sandwich panel made of powder coated steel sheet, stainless steel and other materials as the surface material.  Inside filled with PU, Rock wool, Alu honeycomb and etc. The panel has the unique effect of dustproof, anti-static and anti-bacteria. It is widely used in electronics, pharmaceutical, food, biology, aerospace, precision instrument manufacturing and scientific research and other indoor environment requirements of the clean engineering field. If you have any requirements, please feel free to contact us Mobile/Wechat/WhatsApp: +86 13921198925 Website: "},"apool":{"numToAttrib":{"0":["author","p.1688851141973066"],"1":["font-family","Arial, 'Microsoft YaHei', '5FAE软雅黑', '5B8B体', 'Malgun Gothic', Meiryo, sans-serif"],"2":["font-size","12pt"],"3":["bold","false"],"4":["italic","false"],"5":["color","#111"],"6":["background-color","rgb(247, 248, 250)"],"7":["letter-spacing","0pt"],"8":["snapToGrid","1"],"9":["font-family",""SF Pro","PingFang SC","Microsoft YaHei",微软雅黑,"Noto Sans CJK SC",sans-serif,Roboto,"Droid Sans",Helvetica,Tahoma,Arial,"Hiragino Sans GB","Heiti SC""],"10":["font-size","11pt"],"11":["background-color","transparent"],"12":["textalign","left"],"13":["pap-left-indent","0pt"],"14":["pap-specialIndent","0pt"],"15":["pap-spacing-before","5pt"],"16":["pap-spacing-after","5pt"]},"nextNum":17},"keyFramesInfo":{"frames":[],"src":"copy"}}","storyAtexts":[],"srcGlobalPadId":"w2_AOYAtQaNAPoVqUeJ9aTRaCuDUGPeu"}">

Clean room panel, also known as purification panel, is a sandwich panel made of powder coated steel sheet, stainless steel and other materials as the surface material.  

Find Best Clean Room Panel Supplier

Inside filled with PU, Rock wool, Alu honeycomb and etc. The  panel has the unique effect of dustproof, anti-static and anti-bacteria. It is widely used in electronics, pharmaceutical, food, biology, aerospace, precision instrument manufacturing and scientific research and other indoor environment requirements of the clean engineering field.

If you have any requirements, please feel free to contact us                                                      

Mobile/Wechat/WhatsApp: +86 13921198925


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Find Best Clean Room Panel Supplier

Find Best Clean Room Panel Supplier

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Find Best Clean Room Panel Supplier

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