Air Shower Clean Room

Cleanroom Service: Design, Build and Install. Clean Room Equipment and Supplies: Modular Clean Room, Air Shower

Fire-Resistant Modular Cleanroom

Fire-resistant modular cleanroom shown with FM 4910-listed transparent CPVC wall panels

Fire-Resistant Modular Cleanroom

Fire-Resistant Modular Cleanroom

For applications involving flammable liquids or gases, Kwang's modular cleanroom can be outfitted with components constructed of noncombustible materials to make the interior surfaces more fire-resistant. In addition to steel paneling, ANLAITECH offers two types of plastic panels that have been Specification Tested according to FM 4910 Clean Room Materials Flammability Test Protocol for flame spread, smoke contamination and resistance to corrosives.Rock wool sandwich panel

FM 4910-listed transparent CPVC panels offer greater strength and full visibility with a choice of a slight gray or blue tint.

FM 4910-listed white polypropylene panels are resistant to a wider range of chemicals and are opaque for privacy.

For more durable panels, choose either powder-coated steel or stainless steel.

Material choices will replace all wall panels, blank ceiling panels, and door panels.

Powder-coated steel frame and steel ceiling grid are inherently noncombustible and completely self-supported; no drop-ceiling required!Sterile Cleanroom

Modular construction features interchangeable components that can be easily configured to better control hazards and environmental concerns.

Standardized 2’ x 4’ ceiling bays make it simple to add HEPA-filtered fan units as needed to meet ISO 5 – ISO 8 cleanroom classifications.Sandwich Panel

Heavy duty, explosion-proof LED lighting, fan/filter units, fume hoods and power switches are also available.

Why Choose Kwang Air Showers
What is the classification of clean room?
What are the sources of contamination in a cleanroom
Main Components Of The Air Shower
How To Properly Install Cleanroom Air Showers

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