Air Shower Clean Room

Cleanroom Service: Design, Build and Install. Clean Room Equipment and Supplies: Modular Clean Room, Air Shower

Purification Engineering Design Modular Cleanroom Classifications

Cleanrooms are essential to any manufacturing process where particulate contamination can affect the quality of goods produced. Fan Filter Unit

Purification Engineering Design Modular Cleanroom Classifications

Specific clean room classifications and ISO class code descriptions provide protective guidelines and secure environments through controlled air filtration, which lowers the possibility of product contamination or large particulate interference within critical process manufacturing. Specific cleanroom requirements and ISO 14644-1 cleanroom standards are used to protect consumers from any potential flaw or mishandling of a product.Stainless Steel Pass Box

Additionally, clean room classifications require that positive pressure is continuously maintained while the cleanroom is operational. This process prevents contaminated air from flowing back within the clean air environment. This process allows clean filtered air to continuously flows from clean to less-clean spaces, allowing for continual air movement.Electric Interlock Pass Box

Cleanroom Applications: the greatest source of particulate contamination in a cleanroom is the operator. Air showers are installed between change areas and the cleanroom. Handmade Pu Sandwich Panel

The air shower enhances cleanroom operating protocol by serving as a reminder to all operators that they are entering a controlled environment. Personnel therefore develop the habit of gowning up properly before entering the air shower.Horizontal Laminar Flow Clean Bench

Pharmaceutical and Lab Animal Research Applications: air showers keep pharmaceutical production and lab animal breeding areas clean and also minimize egress of hazardous substances and allergens from the controlled environment.

Purification Engineering Design Modular Cleanroom Classifications

Air Shower Operating SequencesUnlike conventional air showers which are delivered with a fixed operating sequence, the Kwang Air Shower’s operating sequence may be selected from three preprogrammed sequences:

One-Way: Personnel may enter the controlled environment but not exit through the air shower. At the idle state, the clean side door is locked while the grey side is unlocked. This mode of operation is useful for controlling traffic patterns into and out of the controlled environment.Vertical Laminar Flow Clean Bench

Two-Way One-Way: Personnel may enter or exit the controlled environment through the air shower. When entering the controlled environment the shower is activated. When exiting the shower is disabled to reduce throughput time. The air shower program is able to detect if the person is entering or exiting the controlled environment via door sensors and a timesequenced control.

Two-Way: Personnel may enter or exit the controlled environment through the air shower. In both directions the air shower is activated. This mode of operation is useful in pharmaceutical and lab animal research applications to prevent the egress of hazardous substances and allergens from the controlled environment.

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